
Joint replacements are revolutionary surgical procedures of the recent era which made significant impact in improving mobility and henceforth quality of life in millions of patients worldwide

Osteochondral or chondral injury in the young patients may lead to early secondary arthritis. These localised defects can have harmful effect on the entire joint and cause significant pain with limitation of activity to the patient. Cartilage regenerative procedures like autologous chondrocyte implantation, BMAC therapy, Osteoarticular transfer (OATS) or microfracture techniques. In stage I and II arthritis patients Orthobiologics are useful in repairing in the diseased cartilage in select group of patients.

Orthobiologics is the recent advance in orthopaedic surgery used in treatment of many orthopaedic ailments. Its important for the treating surgeon to have in depth understanding of which patients they are beneficial and how to use them judiciously. Outcome of the procedure entirely depends on the severity of the disease and clinical judgement of the treating surgeon.

Trauma surgery in failed fixations need a special skill in restoring function of the patient. Dr. Srinivas Thati has special interest in treatment of complex trauma and also salvaging the failed fixations. His scientific approach in managing the complex trauma results in good bone healing at an economic cost and brings back the smile on patients face.

Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure where the surgeon introduces a small camera which allows direct visualisation of the joint. Anterior cruciate ligament is a crucial stabiliser of the knee joint which inhibits translatory and rotatory instability of the knee. It is commonly injured by twisting movement of the knee usually affecting the young patients. Its important to address this problem at an appropriate stage to improve the outcome of the patient